Sentence examples of "Lui" in French

Elle lui montra la photo. She showed him the photo.
Cette nouvelle voiture lui appartient. This new car belongs to her.
Le vent souffle où bon lui semble. The wind blows wherever it pleases.
Laissez-moi traiter avec lui. Let me deal with him.
Personne ne lui prêtait attention. Nobody was paying attention to her.
Le robot fait tout ce que son maître lui ordonne. The robot does whatever its master tells it to do.
J'ai adoré lui parler. I enjoyed talking with him.
Je lui dis quoi faire. I told her what to do.
Un nouveau cas se présenta. Ils lui appliquèrent la nouvelle règle. A new case occurred. They applied the new rule to it.
Personne ne courait devant lui. No one ran ahead of him.
Je lui dis bonne nuit. I bade good night to her.
Le jeune homme tendit la main et je la lui serrai. The young man put out his hand and I shook it.
Elle veut sortir avec lui. She wants to go out with him.
Je lui ai immédiatement téléphoné. I telephoned her at once.
Nous ne l'avons ni connu ni entendu parler de lui. We had neither known nor heard about it.
Il lui posa quelques questions. He asked her some questions.
Je lui expliquai la règle. I explained the rules to her.
C'est très étonnant qu'un homme comme lui soit policier. It is a wonder that such a man is a policeman.
Elle lui toucha l'épaule. She touched him on the shoulder.
Ne lui prête pas attention. Don't pay attention to her.
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