Sentence examples of "Marie" in French with translation "mary"

Marie aime aller au spa. Mary loves going to the spa.
Marie et Jeanne sont cousines. Mary and Jane are cousins.
Marie manque de sens commun. Mary is in want of common sense.
Marie ferma la porte doucement. Mary closed the door quietly.
Marie tenta de consoler Tom. Mary tried to comfort Tom.
Marie est un animal marin. Mary is a sea urchin.
Tom se sépara de Marie. Tom split up with Mary.
Marie est un garçon manqué. Mary is a tomboy.
Marie veut balayer la maison. Mary wants to sweep the house.
Marie est à peine vêtue. Mary is scantily clad.
Marie est une vilaine fille. Mary is a bad girl.
Marie parle à des étrangers. Mary is speaking to strangers.
Marie a peur des araignées. Mary is afraid of spiders.
Antoine et Marie se connaissent. Tom and Mary know each other.
Marie foudroya Tom du regard. Mary gave Tom a stern look.
Marie eût le dernier mot. Mary had the last laugh.
Marie est une fille rebelle. Mary is a rebellious girl.
Marie est de nature sociable. Mary has a social nature.
Elle a été baptisée Marie. She was baptized Mary.
Marie va nous aider demain. Mary is going to help us tomorrow.
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