Sentence examples of "Mort" in French with translation "die"

Il est mort hier soir. He died last night.
Mon chat est mort hier. My pet cat died yesterday.
Lincoln est mort en 1865. Lincoln died in 1865.
Il est mort 3 jours après. He died three days after.
Mon meilleur ami est mort asphyxié. My best friend died of asphyxiation.
Il est mort à 70 ans. He died at the age of seventy.
Mon barbare niveau 9 est mort. My level 9 barbarian has died.
Heureusement, il n'est pas mort. Happily he did not die.
Il n'est pas mort heureux. He didn't die happily.
Tom est mort de la tuberculose. Tom died from turbeculosis.
Il est mort d'un cancer. He died of cancer.
Il est mort avant mon arrivée. He died previous to my arrival.
Malheureusement le poète est mort jeune. Unfortunately the poet died in his youth.
Il est mort pour que nous vivions. He died, so we might live.
On dit qu'il est mort ici. He is said to have died here.
Mon ami est mort d'une blessure. My friend died from a wound.
Tom est mort dans des circonstances étranges. Tom died in strange circumstances.
Notre fils est mort pendant la guerre. Our son died during the war.
J'ai entendu qu'il était mort. I heard that he'd died.
Mon père est mort d'un cancer. My father died of cancer.
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