Sentence examples of "Ses" in French

Translations: all6254 he4182 she1689 it298 other translations85
On doit respecter ses aînés. You must respect your elders.
Votre étude portera ses fruits. Your study will bear fruit.
Le couple rompit ses fiançailles. The couple broke off their engagement.
On doit aimer ses voisins. You ought to love your neighbors.
L'enfant fait ses dents. This child is teething now.
Tom tria ses e-mails. Tom sorted the mail.
On apprend de ses erreurs. We learn by trial and error.
Ton étude portera ses fruits. Your study will bear fruit.
Toute règle a ses exceptions. There are exceptions to every rule.
Être mignonne a aussi ses désavantages. Being cute also has some inconvenients.
Ne cède pas à ses exigences. Don't cave into their demands.
Tout le monde a ses secrets. Everyone has secrets.
Ma patience a atteint ses limites. My patience has come to the breaking point.
On devrait apprendre de ses erreurs. You should learn from your mistakes.
Faire ses devoirs est extrêmement ennuyeux. Doing homework is extremely boring.
Tom vit encore chez ses parents. Tom still lives at home.
Le professeur semblait perdu dans ses pensées. The professor seemed to be lost in thought.
Mon grand-père fabriquait ses propres meubles. My grandfather used to make furniture for himself.
John Adams prit ses fonctions en 1797. John Adams took office in 1797.
On doit apprendre de ses propres fautes. You must learn from your own mistakes.
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