Sentence examples of "a un rhume" in French

Elle a un rhume et est absente de l'école. She has a cold and is absent from school.
On dit que Tom a un rhume. It is said that Tom has a cold.
On dit qu'il a un rhume. He is said to have a cold.
Comme je me collais un rhume, j'ai été absent de l'école. Since I had a cold, I was absent from school.
Il y a un passage secret. There's a secret passage.
J'ai attrapé un rhume. I have caught a cold.
Elle a un peu de pain. She has a little bread.
Je suis resté à la maison car j'ai eu un rhume. I stayed home because I had a bad cold.
Il a un grand bureau dans sa petite pièce. He has a large desk in his small room.
Je ne suis pas allé skier de peur d'attraper un rhume. I didn't go skiing for fear of catching cold.
Il utilise bien les faisans qu'il chasse. Il a un usage pour chaque partie de l'oiseau. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. He has a purpose for every part of the bird.
J'ai un rhume. I have a cold.
S'il y a déjà un compte, il y a un système par lequel tu peux envoyer et recevoir des emails. If there is already an account, there is a system by which you are able to send and receive email.
Il est au lit avec un rhume. He was in bed with a cold.
S'il y a déjà un compte, il y a un système par lequel tu peux envoyer et recevoir des courriels. If there is already an account, there is a system by which you are able to send and receive email.
J'ai contracté un rhume il y a deux jours. I caught a cold two days ago.
Il y a un combat de coq dans la cour. There's a cockfight in the courtyard.
Elle a contracté un rhume la nuit dernière. She caught a cold last night.
Elle a un droit sur la propriété de son défunt mari. She has a claim on her deceased husband's estate.
Elle attrape facilement un rhume. She easily catches cold.
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