Sentence examples of "attend" in French

Il attend un appel téléphonique. He is waiting for a telephone call.
Elle attend toujours de moi que je l'aide. She always expects me to help her.
Il se peut que le bonheur qui nous attend là-bas ne soit pas du tout le genre de bonheur que nous voudrions. It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.
Ken attend l'arrivée du train. Ken is waiting for the arrival of the train.
L'Angleterre attend de chacun qu'il fasse son devoir. England expects that every man will do his duty.
Il attend ici depuis un moment. He has been waiting here some time.
Les accidents arrivent lorsqu'on s'y attend le moins. Accidents will happen when they are least expected.
Notre invité nous attend en bas. Our guest is waiting for us downstairs.
La vie commence quand on décide ce qu’on attend d’elle. Life starts when you decide what you are expecting from it.
Cela fait une heure qu'il attend. He has been waiting for an hour.
Il attend à l'arrêt du bus. He's waiting at the bus stop.
Elle attend ardemment le retour de son époux. She ardently waits for her husband's return.
L'homme qui attend le bus a perdu ses nerfs. The man waiting for the bus lost his temper.
Il faut que je raccroche. Quelqu'un attend pour utiliser le téléphone. I've got to hang up now. Someone is waiting to use the phone.
Attends jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Wait until further notice.
Tu attends trop d'elle. You are expecting too much of her.
Attends, quelqu’un frappe à ma porte. Hold on, someone is knocking at my door.
Des douzaines de lettres vous attendent. Dozens of letters are awaiting you.
En attendant un bus, j'ai rencontré mon amie. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend.
Attends jusqu'à demain matin. Wait until tomorrow morning.
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