Sentence examples of "chacun" in French with translation "everyone"

Chacun pense la même chose. Everyone thinks the same thing.
Chacun espérait qu'elle gagnât. Everyone hoped that she would win.
Chacun est libre de contribuer. Everyone is free to contribute.
Chacun a son propre style. Everyone has their own style.
Chacun a son propre caractère. Everyone has a character of his own.
Chacun devrait pouvoir contrôler son destin. Everyone ought to be a master of his own destiny.
Que fait chacun après l'école ? What does everyone do after school?
Chacun pouvait facilement constater sa déception. Everyone could easily see his disappointment.
Chacun dans sa classe l'aime. Everyone in her class likes her.
Chacun devrait exercer son droit de vote. Everyone should exercise their right to vote.
Et chacun a la possibilité de contribuer. And everyone has the ability to contribute.
Chacun était découragé après avoir reçu ses résultats. Everyone were discouraged after they got their results.
Chacun à son métier doit toujours s'attacher. Everyone should always attach oneself to one's trade.
Le docteur est connu de chacun au village. The doctor is known to everyone in the village.
Cette histoire est très célèbre, chacun la connait. This story is very famous, everyone knows it.
La loi est la même pour tout un chacun. The law is the same for everyone.
Ils s'efforcent de proposer quelque chose pour chacun. They try to offer something for everyone.
Comme il est gentil, il est aimé de chacun. Being kind, he is loved by everyone.
Chacun de nous est responsable de sa propre conduite. Everyone of us is responsible for his own conduct.
Selon Andy Warhol, chacun aura quinze minutes de renommée. According to Andy Warhol, everyone will have fifteen minutes of fame.
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