Sentence examples of "continuer sur sa lancée" in French

Alain a concentré toutes ses attentions sur sa chatte. Alain focused all his attention on his cat.
Dansons sur sa chanson. Let's dance to her song.
Ses cheveux se dressèrent sur sa tête en voyant le fantôme. Her hair stood on end at the sight of a ghost.
Une goutte de pluie s'écrasa sur sa joue. A raindrop splashed on her cheek.
L'acteur est devenu sans voix quand il fut questionné sur sa vie privée. The actor became speechless when he was questioned about his private affairs.
"Le sorcier se déguise en bête, il met une peau sur sa tête et il se promène dans le bourg. C'est mon papa qui me l'a dit." "The sorcerer disguises himself as a beast, he wears a hide over his head and walks around town. It's my daddy who told me that."
Sur sa chemise se trouvait une tache de sauce. On his shirt there was a sauce stain.
Chaque étudiant masculin a le symbole de l'école sur sa casquette. Each boy student has a school badge on his cap.
Elle appliqua son mouchoir sur sa plaie. She applied her handkerchief to his wound.
Le rameur jette la faute sur sa rame. The rower blames his oar.
La tempête occasionna beaucoup de dommages sur sa propriété. The storm did great damage to her property.
Une rose a des épines sur sa tige. A rose has thorns on it stem.
L'histoire est basée sur sa propre expérience. The story is based on his own experience.
L'aigle plongea sur sa proie. The eagle dived at its prey.
On ne peut pas juger un livre sur sa couverture. You can't judge a book by its cover.
Le divertissement sur sa planète consistait à faire des mathématiques multidimensionnelles de haut niveau. Entertainment on his planet meant doing multidimensional higher mathematics.
Je jette l'opprobre sur sa compétence comme statisticien. I'm casting aspersions on his competency as a statistician.
N'empiète pas sur sa vie privée. Don't intrude on her privacy.
Je comptais sur sa gentillesse. I relied on his kindness.
Le bébé a reporté son affection sur sa nouvelle mère. The baby transferred its affection to its new mother.
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