Sentence examples of "contraignant" in French

Il la contraignit à s'asseoir. He forced her to sit down.
Je suis contraint de le faire. I am compelled to do it.
J'ai été contraint de mentir. I was constrained to tell a lie.
Elle le contraignit à s'asseoir. She forced him to sit down.
Je suis contraint à le faire. I am compelled to do it.
Il a été contraint au chômage. He was forced into unemployment.
Ils furent contraints de remettre leur départ. They were compelled to postpone their departure.
Ils le contraignirent à dire la vérité. They forced him to tell the truth.
Nous avons été contraints de différer notre départ. We were compelled to put off our departure.
Je fus contraint de prendre des médicaments. I was forced to take medicine.
Les noirs étaient contraints de travailler dans les champs de coton. Black people were compelled to work in cotton fields.
Elle l'a contraint à s'asseoir. She forced him to sit down.
Son échec dans les affaires l'a contraint à vendre sa maison. His failure in business compelled him to sell his house.
La garnison fut contrainte de se rendre. The garrison was forced to surrender.
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