Sentence examples of "de sa main" in French

Le maire se couvrit les yeux de sa main. The mayor screened his eyes with his hand.
Elle couvrit le micro du téléphone de sa main. She covered the mouthpiece of the phone with her hand.
L'orateur couvrit le micro de sa main et chuchota quelque chose à la femme assise à son coté. The speaker covered the microphone with his hand and whispered something to the woman sitting beside him.
Il est rapide avec sa main. He is fast with his hand.
Un tel comportement de sa part est impardonnable. I can't forgive him for behaving like that.
Il prit un stylo dans sa main. He took a pencil in his hand.
Le patient se remet de sa maladie. The patient is recovering from his illness.
Il soupesa la pierre dans sa main. He weighed the stone in his hand.
Elle s'est occupée de sa sœur malade pendant dix ans. She has been looking after her sick sister for ten years.
Il serrait sa mallette dans sa main. He clutched his wallet in his hand.
Elle était clouée au lit hier du fait de sa maladie. She was sick in bed yesterday.
Mary a une fleur dans sa main. Mary has a flower in her hand.
Jusqu'à ce jour, nous n'avons obtenu aucune réponse de sa part. As of today, we haven't had an answer from him.
Je me suis agrippé à sa main. I held fast to his hand.
Il reposa son stylo et se laissa aller contre le dossier de sa chaise. He laid down his pen and leaned back in his chair.
Il retira sa main de la table. He withdrew his hand from the table.
Il est plus grand que tout autre garçon de sa classe. He is taller than any other boy in his class.
Mon patron a essayé de me peloter, mais j'ai claqué sa main avant qu'il n'aille plus loin. My boss tried to cop a feel but I slapped his hand before he got any further.
Tu tires avantage de sa faiblesse. You're taking advantage of her weakness.
Je me suis agrippée à sa main. I held fast to his hand.
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