Sentence examples of "devoir d'ingérence" in French

Il est de ton devoir de terminer ce travail. It's your duty to finish the job.
Le devoir est pour dans deux semaines aujourd'hui. The assignment is due two weeks from today.
Il sentit que c'était son devoir de partir. He felt it was his duty to go.
Il a senti que c'était son devoir d'y aller. He felt it was his duty to go.
Il est de ton devoir d'achever ce travail. It's your duty to finish the job.
Son sourire mélancolique trahissait la tristesse qu'elle éprouvait à devoir partir. Her wistful smile belied the sadness she felt at having to leave.
En tous cas, j'ai fait mon devoir. In any case, I did my duty.
C'est ton premier devoir. This is your first assignment.
Le devoir d'une fille est dans l'obéissance. The duty of a daughter is in obedience.
Il a fait son devoir au péril de sa vie. He did his duty at the cost of his health.
Elle s'efforça de faire son devoir. She endeavored to do her duty.
Il va devoir se lever tôt demain. He will have to get up early tomorrow.
C'est ton devoir d'étudier. It is your duty to study.
Le devoir de maths se révéla plus facile que je ne m'y étais attendu. The math homework proved to be easier than I had expected.
Nous allons devoir double notre budget pour l'an prochain. We'll have to double our budget for next year.
Il a rempli son devoir avec circonspection. He performed his duty with deliberation.
Il a senti que c'était son devoir de partir. He felt it was his duty to go.
Il est de votre devoir de terminer ce travail. It's your duty to finish the job.
Il est de ton devoir de terminer ce boulot. It's your duty to finish the job.
Il est de votre devoir d'achever ce boulot. It's your duty to finish the job.
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