Sentence examples of "donnait" in French with translation "give"

Si on lui donnait une autre chance, il ferait de son mieux. If he were given another chance, he'd do his best.
Un ami musicien à moi donnait une représentation impromptue d'un morceau qu'il venait de finir de composer. A musician friend of mine gave an impromptu performance of a piece he had just finished composing.
Peter était un joueur de jeux vidéo altruiste ; il donnait des objets aux gens qui en avaient besoin, plutôt que de les vendre par intérêt personnel. Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit.
Sa rédaction ne donnait qu’une analyse superficielle du problème, donc ce fut pour lui une réelle surprise lorsqu’il obtint la meilleure note de la classe. His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.
Il me donna une pomme. He gave me an apple.
Elle lui donna un chandail. She gave him a sweater.
Elle donna une réponse évasive. She gave a vague answer.
Le soldat donna son nom. The soldier gave his name.
Le médecin le lui donna. The doctor gave it to her.
Elle nous donna un présent. She gave us a present.
Il me donna un indice. He gave me a hint.
Elle me donna une poupée. She gave me a doll.
Il me donna un conseil. He gave me a piece of advice.
Elle lui donna un cadeau. She gave him a present.
Elle lui donna la voiture. She gave him the car.
Il donna brièvement ses raisons. He gave his reasons in brief.
Elle me donna un cadeau. She gave me a present.
Donne ce livre à Ramu. Give this book to Ramu.
Il me donne du mal. He is giving me a hard time.
Ne le lui donne pas. Don't give it to him.
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