Sentence examples of "efforts" in French with translation "effort"

Vos efforts vont bientôt payer. Your efforts will soon pay off.
Tous ses efforts étaient vains. All his efforts were useless.
Tous leurs efforts étaient vains. All their efforts were in vain.
Tous leurs efforts furent vains. All their efforts were in vain.
Tous nos efforts restèrent sans résultat. All our efforts were without result.
Tous les efforts ont été futiles. All efforts have been unavailing.
Nos efforts n'eurent aucun succès. Our efforts did not result in success.
Tous nos efforts ont été vains. All our efforts were in vain.
Ses efforts ont porté leurs fruits. His efforts bore fruit.
Ses efforts n'eurent aucun résultat. Nothing has resulted from his efforts.
Les efforts de Tom ont été récompensés. Tom's efforts were rewarded.
Vos efforts porteront très certainement leurs fruits. Your effort will surely bear fruit.
Notre réussite fut grâce à ses efforts. Our success was due to his efforts.
Mes efforts n'ont produit aucun résultat. My efforts produced no results.
Tous mes efforts se sont révélés vains. All my effort went for nothing.
J'espère que vos efforts porteront fruit. I hope your efforts will bear fruit.
Malgré tous ses efforts, elle a échoué. For all her efforts, she didn't succeed.
Il faudrait voir à unir les efforts. We should consider a combined effort.
Tes efforts porteront très certainement leurs fruits. Your effort will surely bear fruit.
Je me demande si mes efforts vont payer. I wonder if my efforts will pay off.
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