Sentence examples of "exposer ses observations" in French

Tom ne peut pas révéler à Marie ses véritables sentiments. Tom can't tell Mary his real feelings.
Il était énervé par le meurtre de ses camarades. He was angered by the murder of their comrades.
Il doit terminer ses devoirs aujourd'hui. He must finish his homework today.
Il a épuisé toutes ses forces. He exhausted all his energy.
On doit tenir ses promesses. One must keep one's promises.
Il ressentait une douleur intense dans son dos et ses jambes. He felt severe pain in his back and legs.
Ses yeux s'assombrirent. Her eyes darkened.
On doit respecter ses aînés. You must respect your elders.
Il est inquiet pour la santé de ses parents. He is concerned about his parent's health.
Je lui souhaite le meilleur dans ses futures entreprises. I wish him the very best in his future endeavors.
C'est très frustrant d'essayer de retrouver ses lunettes quand on ne voit rien sans lunettes. It's very frustrating to try to find your glasses when you can't see anything without glasses.
Ses actes étaient dirigés contre l'humanité. What he did was against humanity.
J'ai parcouru ses courbes toute la nuit sans me lasser. I went all over her curves, all night, without wearying.
Votre étude portera ses fruits. Your study will bear fruit.
On devient bon écrivain comme on devient bon menuisier: en rabotant ses phrases. One becomes a good writer just as one becomes a good carpenter: by planing down one's sentences.
Tom voulait que Mary rencontre ses parents. Tom wanted Mary to meet his parents.
Ses idées ne lui ont jamais rapporté un sou. His ideas never earned him a dime.
Elle est fière de ses fils. She is proud of her sons.
Nous disséquâmes une grenouille pour examiner ses organes internes. We dissected a frog to examine its internal organs.
Alain a concentré toutes ses attentions sur sa chatte. Alain focused all his attention on his cat.
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