Sentence examples of "fit" in French

Marie fit irruption dans la cuisine. Mary burst into the kitchen.
Il fit semblant de ne pas me connaître. He pretended not to know me.
Le tonnerre se fit plus fort. The thunder became louder.
Il fit sécher ses vêtements près du feu. He dried his wet clothes by the fire.
Elle fit pousser des roses. She grew roses.
Au cours de notre conversation, il fit référence à sa jeunesse. In the course of our conversation, he referred to his youth.
Mary fit irruption dans la cuisine. Mary burst into the kitchen.
Il fit semblant de ne pas m'entendre. He pretended not to hear me.
Elle lui fit un procès. She sued him.
Elle fit un rêve étrange. She dreamt a strange dream.
Tom fit une mauvaise chute. Tom took a bad fall.
Le chat fit le gros dos. The cat arched its back.
Le tonnerre fit peur aux enfants. The thunder scared the children.
La coupe des Beatles fit sensation. The hair style of the Beatles created a sensation.
Elle lui fit couper du bois. She set him to chopping wood.
Il nous fit un large sourire. He grinned broadly at us.
L'infirmière me fit une piqure. The nurse gave me a shot.
Tom fit un baisemain à Marie. Tom kissed Mary's hand.
Il fit part de sa déception. He gave vent to his disappointment.
Le compétiteur fit deux faux départs. The competitor twice jumped the gun.
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