Sentence examples of "gratitude" in French

Je voudrais lui exprimer ma gratitude. I would like to express my gratitude to her.
Ô Seigneur qui me prête vie, accorde-moi un cœur plein de gratitude. O Lord, who lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.
Ils n'eurent pas un seul mot de gratitude. There was not a single word of gratitude from them.
Je n'ai pas de mots pour exprimer ma gratitude. I have no words to express my gratitude.
Au vu de son manque total de gratitude, après tous les efforts que j'ai faits pour elle, je me dis que j'aurais mieux fait de pisser dans un violon. Given her complete lack of gratitude after all that I had done for her, I told myself that I would have done better by banging my head against the wall.
Il me sourit avec gratitude. He gave me a smile of recognition.
Son sourire exprimait sa gratitude. Her smile expressed her thanks.
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