Sentence examples of "impossible" in French

Impossible n'est pas français. Impossible is not French.
C'était autrefois presque impossible. It used to be nearly impossible.
Il est impossible à battre. He is impossible to beat.
Vivre sans air est impossible. To live without air is impossible.
C'est impossible à faire. It is impossible to do it.
Il considérait le plan impossible. He looked on the plan as impossible.
Ton idée est complètement impossible. Your idea is absolutely impossible.
C'est impossible de le faire It is impossible to do it.
Rien, à Dieu, n'est impossible. Nothing is impossible for God.
Rien n'est impossible aux dieux. Nothing is impossible for the gods.
Il est impossible de vivre sans eau. It is impossible to live without water.
Il est impossible que je t'aide. It is impossible for me to help you.
La victoire est improbable mais pas impossible. Victory is unlikely but not impossible.
Il est impossible de résoudre le conflit. It is impossible to resolve the conflict.
C'était impossible de comprendre ses questions. It was impossible to understand his questions.
Sans son aide, votre succès serait impossible. But for his help, your success would be impossible.
Il lui est impossible de le faire. It is impossible for him to do it.
On tenait les voyages spatiaux pour impossible. Space travel was thought to be impossible.
Je suis désolé mais c'est impossible. I'm sorry, but it's impossible.
C'est presque impossible de le faire. It is next to impossible to carry it out.
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