Sentence examples of "innocence" in French

Ce fait prouve son innocence. This fact proves his innocence.
Elle insistait sur son innocence. She insisted on her innocence.
Je suis convaincu de ton innocence. I am convinced of your innocence.
Je peux témoigner de son innocence. I can bear witness to his innocence.
Elle est convaincue de mon innocence. She is convinced of my innocence.
L'avocat doutait de son innocence. The lawyer doubted his innocence.
Nous sommes tous convaincus de son innocence. We are all convinced of his innocence.
Son innocence sera prouvée en temps voulu. In due time, his innocence will be proven.
En temps utile, son innocence sera établie. In due time, his innocence will be proven.
Il nous a convaincu de son innocence. He convinced us of her innocence.
Il m'a convaincu de son innocence. He convinced me of his innocence.
Nous sommes toutes convaincues de son innocence. We are all convinced of his innocence.
Je peux facilement vous convaincre de son innocence. I can easily convince you of his innocence.
La preuve nous a convaincus de son innocence. The evidence convinced us of his innocence.
Tu ne dois pas profiter de son innocence. You must not take advantage of her innocence.
Au départ, tout le monde fut convaincu de son innocence. At first everybody was convinced of his innocence.
Ces vêtements sales pourraient constituer une nouvelle preuve de son innocence. These dirty clothes could be a new piece of evidence to prove his innocence.
Je suis convaincu de son innocence. I am convinced that he is innocent.
Le fait d'être ici prouve mon innocence. The fact that I'm here proves that I'm innocent.
Je continue à clamer mon innocence mais personne n'écoute. I keep saying that I'm innocent but no one will listen.
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