Sentence examples of "le" in French with translation "he"

Un jour, je le rencontrai. One day I met him.
Le jour suivant il partit. The next day he went away.
Il a accepté le job. He accepted the job.
Il parle naturellement le français. It comes natural to him to speak French.
C'est le Bach actuel. He's the Bach of today.
Il est dans le pétrin. He is in trouble now.
Il obtint le premier prix. He got the first prize.
Allez le voir en personne. Go and see him in person.
Nous ne le connaissons pas. We don't know him.
Je ne le vois pas. I don't see him.
Il voulait acheter le livre. He wanted to buy the book.
Le jugement lui était défavorable. The judgement was against him.
Il a battu le record. He has broken the record.
Je ne le vois guère. I don't see much of him.
Elle le supplia de rester. She begged him to stay.
Il a lu "Le Manifeste". He has read "The Manifest".
Nous le laissâmes pour mort. We gave him up for dead.
La politique le laisse indifférent. He is indifferent to politics.
Il aime le thé sucré. He likes sweet tea.
Le connais-tu en personne ? Do you know him personally?
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