Sentence examples of "magazine grand public" in French

Le grand public est contre la guerre. The people at large are against war.
Entre les fabricants de ce que l'on nomme « l'électronique grand public » règne une concurrence impitoyable, à mort. Among the manufacturers of so-called "consumer electronics", there exists ruthless cut-throat competition.
Il a un grand bureau dans sa petite pièce. He has a large desk in his small room.
Ce magazine est à destination des adolescents. That magazine is aimed at teenagers.
Il a répété en public ce que j'avais dit. He repeated in public what I had said.
Maintenant que tu es grand, tu ne dois pas te comporter comme un enfant. Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child.
Le magazine Look a arrêté sa publication. The magazine Look is no longer being published.
Tu t'habitueras vite à parler en public. You will soon get used to speaking in public.
Les besoins du plus grand nombre l'emportent sur les nécessités du plus petit. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Le dernier numéro du magazine sortira lundi prochain. The latest issue of the magazine will come out next Monday.
Les parents américains ont tendance à parler en bien de leurs enfants en public. American parents are willing to say good things about their children in public.
Pendant le Grand Jeu, l'Afghanistan était un État tampon. During the Great Game, Afghanistan was a buffer state.
Je lis cinq différents types de magazine chaque mois. I read five different magazines each month.
Il est habitué à parler en public. He is accustomed to speaking in public.
Je pense que c'est trop grand. I think that it's too big.
J'ai découpé l'article du magazine. I cut the article out of the magazine.
Il sait comment capturer l'attention de son public. He knows how to captivate his audience.
La valeur des livres était telle qu'on en prenait le plus grand soin. So valuable were books that the greatest care was taken of them.
La première femme nue que j'ai vue se trouvait dans le magazine National Geographic. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine.
Il a l'habitude de parler en public. He is used to speaking in public.
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