Sentence examples of "manquement à ses devoirs" in French

Il était occupé à ses devoirs. He was busy with his homework.
Chaque pays à ses propres coutumes. Each country has its own customs.
Il doit terminer ses devoirs aujourd'hui. He must finish his homework today.
Plus bête un enfant est, plus mignon il semble à ses parents. The more foolish a child is, the cuter he seems to his parents.
Elle commença à faire ses devoirs immédiatement après souper. She began doing her homework immediately after dinner.
Il écrit à ses parents au moins une fois par mois, quelque occupé qu'il soit. He writes home to his parents at least once a month, no matter how busy he is.
Il négligea ses devoirs. He neglected his duties.
Il a dit à ses enfants de ne pas faire autant de bruit. He told his children not to make so much noise.
Mon grand frère a fini ses devoirs très rapidement. My elder brother finished his homework very quickly.
Grâce à ses conseils, j'ai économisé beaucoup d'argent. Thanks to his advice, I have saved a lot of money.
Elle aidait son frère dans ses devoirs. She assisted her brother with his homework.
J'ai cédé à ses exigences. I gave in to her demands.
J'ai promis d'aider mon frère avec ses devoirs. I promised to help my brother with his homework.
Il donna libre cours à ses sentiments. He gave vent to his feelings.
Marie a dit qu'elle ferait ses devoirs. Mary said she would do her homework.
Il ne déroge jamais à ses habitudes. He never breaks his habit.
Elle lui fait faire ses devoirs avant le souper. She makes him do his homework before dinner.
Sony donne de l'ambition à ses employés. Sony inspires ambition among its employees.
Sa mère l'a obligé à faire ses devoirs. His mother compelled him to do his homework.
Il écrit souvent à ses parents au Japon. He often writes to his parents in Japan.
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