Sentence examples of "maria" in French with translation "marry"

Il maria sa fille à un banquier. He married his daughter to a bank clerk.
Il vint à Tokyo et la maria là-bas. He came up to Tokyo, and there married her.
Elle se maria sans que ses parents ne le sachent. She got married without her parents knowing it.
Elle se maria sans que ses parents n'en aient connaissance. She married without her parents' knowledge.
Il était veuf, mais un an après le mariage de son fils ne put tenir plus longtemps et se maria lui aussi. He was a widower, but a year after his son's wedding, he could not hold it any longer and also got married.
Nous aurions dû nous marier. We should have gotten married.
Elle désirait se marier immédiatement. She wanted to get married immediately.
Se marier est chose sérieuse. Getting married is a serious matter.
Tom vient de se marier. Tom just got married.
J'ai déjà été marié. I was married once.
J'ai marié ma fille. I married off my daughter.
Êtes-vous marié ou célibataire ? Are you married or are you single?
John était marié à Jane. John was married to Jane.
Est-il marié ou célibataire ? Is he married or single?
Sa fille aînée est mariée. Her elder daughter is married.
Elle s'est mariée jeune. She married young.
Jane s'est mariée jeune. Jane married young.
Est-elle célibataire ou mariée ? Is she single or married?
Mes deux sœurs sont mariées. Both of my sisters are married.
Elles se sont mariées jeunes. They married when they were young.
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