Sentence examples of "montra" in French with translation "show"

Elle lui montra la photo. She showed him the photo.
Il nous montra quelques photos. He showed us some pictures.
Elle ne se montra pas. She didn't show up.
Ce garçon ne montra aucune peur. That boy showed no fear.
Il nous montra un beau chapeau. He showed us a beautiful hat.
Elle me montra sa nouvelle voiture. She showed me her new car.
Elle me montra quelle robe porter. She showed me which dress to wear.
Tom montra un intérêt pour le plan. Tom showed interest in the plan.
Elle montra son courage face au danger. She showed her courage in the face of danger.
Il me montra comment faire un gâteau. He showed me how to make a cake.
Il me montra comment confectionner un gâteau. He showed me how to make a cake.
Il me montra sa collection de timbres. He showed me his collection of stamps.
Elle leur montra comment attacher leur ceinture. She showed them how to fasten their seat belts.
Il montra sa désapprobation en levant un sourcil. He showed his disapproval by raising an eyebrow.
On nous montra toutes leurs photos de famille. We were shown all of their family photos.
Elle lui montra plusieurs livres sur l'étagère. She showed him several books that were on the shelf.
Elle montra à ses invités comment manger ce qu'elle avait préparé. She showed her guests how to eat what she had prepared.
Elle me montra les instantanés qu'elle avait pris pendant sa journée. She showed me the snaps which she had taken during her journey.
Courant 1969 le débat sur la mémoire virtuelle pour les ordinateurs commerciaux prit fin. Une équipe de recherche d'IBM menée par David Sayre montra que leur système d'indirection de la mémoire virtuelle fonctionnait concrètement mieux que le meilleur des systèmes contrôlés manuellement. By 1969 the debate over virtual memory for commercial computers was over. An IBM research team led by David Sayre showed that their virtual memory overlay system consistently worked better than the best manually controlled systems.
Dans les années soixante-dix, le comité de la censure de l'Ontario interdit le film « Le Tambour » d'après le roman de Günter Grass, mais les médias trouvèrent cela stupide et donc la Société Radio-Canada, SRC, montra les scènes offensantes ce soir-là, d'une côte à l'autre, dans le journal national. In the 1970’s the Ontario Censor Board banned the film "The Tin Drum" from the Günter Grass novel, but the media found this silly, and so the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC, showed the offending scene that night from coast to coast on the national news.
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