Sentence examples of "peu" in French with translation "few"

Peu de gens le pensent. Few people think so.
Peu de gens vivent centenaires. Few people live to be one hundred years old.
J'ai peu de livres. I have few books.
Elle a peu d'amis. She has few friends.
J'ai peu d'amis. I have few friends.
Peu de gens pensent ainsi. Few people think so.
Ils ont peu de livres. They have few books.
Peu de gens admettent leurs erreurs. Few people will admit their faults.
Peu de gens reconnaissent leurs fautes. Few people will admit their faults.
Peu de politiciens admettent leurs erreurs. Few politicians admit their mistakes.
J'ai peu d'amis ici. I have few friends here.
Peu de gens savent être vieux. Few men know how to be old.
Peu de personnes ont deux voitures. A few people have two cars.
Peu d'étudiants connaissaient son nom. Few students knew his name.
Cet enfant a peu d'amis. That child has few friends.
Elle achète peu de vêtements ici. She buys few clothes here.
Peu de gens comprirent son commentaire. Few people understood his comment.
Peu d'étudiants peuvent lire le latin. Few students can read Latin.
Peu de ses amies vivent à Kyoto. Few of her friends live in Kyoto.
Peu de ses amis vivent à Kyoto. Few of her friends live in Kyoto.
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