Sentence examples of "repris" in French with translation "take over"

J'ai repris l'entreprise de Père. I took over the business from Father.
J'ai repris l'affaire de mon père. I took over the business from my father.
J'ai repris le travail de mon père. I took over my father's job.
Il a repris l'entreprise de son père. He has taken over his father's business.
Le Japon doit maintenant reprendre ce rôle. Japan must take over that role now.
Je vais reprendre l'affaire de mon père. I am to take over my father's business.
Il reprit l'affaire après le décès de son père. He took over the business after his father died.
Elle reprit l'affaire à la mort de son mari. She took over the business after the death of her husband.
Il reprendra l'affaire une fois son père à la retraite. He will take over the business when his father retires.
Quand il partit à la retraite, son fils reprit son affaire. When he retired, his son took over his business.
Il a été formé pour reprendre les affaires de la famille depuis son plus jeune âge. He was groomed from a young age to take over the family business.
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