Sentence examples of "son" in French with translation "she"

Son silence m'a surpris. Her silence surprised me.
Son souhait fut enfin exaucé. Her wish was realized at last.
Son visage rayonna de joie. Her face beamed with joy.
Ce fut son meilleur temps. It was her best time.
L'actrice apprend son texte. The actress is learning her lines.
Le vent emporta son chapeau. She had her hat blown off by the wind.
Elle a atteint son objectif. She achieved her goal.
Son intelligence me surprend souvent. Her cleverness often amazes me.
Elle dépend de son époux. She's dependent on her husband.
Elle tient de son père. She takes after her father.
J'aimerais voir son dos. I'd like to see her back.
Elle caressa son bébé tendrement. She caressed her baby lovingly.
Qu'est devenu son fils ? What has become of her son?
Son nom m'a échappé. Her name slipped my mind.
Elle chercha son garçon perdu. She searched about for her lost boy.
Elle a ouvert son pantalon. She unzipped her pants.
Elle adore son frère ainé. She adores her older brother.
Je crois à son histoire. I believe her story.
Son visage rayonnait de santé. Her face glowed with health.
Tiens compte de son conseil ! Take heed of her advice.
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