Sentence examples of "stupides" in French

Translations: all34 stupid30 dumb1 other translations3
Les ordinateurs rendent les gens stupides. Computers make people stupid.
Il posa des questions stupides à son professeur. He asked his teacher stupid questions.
Vous êtes stupides de vous fier à lui. You're stupid to trust him.
Mes parents n'arrêtent pas de se disputer sur des choses stupides. C'est tellement énervant ! My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!
Voici une occasion en or que nous serions stupides de ne pas saisir. Mettons-nous au travail pour tout finir d'un seul coup. This is a golden opportunity we'd be stupid to pass up. Let's get to work and finish it all in one fell swoop.
T'as l'air stupide. You look stupid.
Il est trop stupide pour craindre le danger. He is too dumb to fear danger.
Je ne suis pas stupide. I'm not stupid.
Tu es trop stupide pour vivre. You're too stupid to live.
Entre nous, il est plutôt stupide. Between you and me, he is rather stupid.
Vous êtes trop stupide pour vivre. You're too stupid to live.
Mon dernier mari était vraiment stupide. My last husband was really stupid.
J'ai été stupide de croire cela ! It was stupid of me to believe that!
Je fus assez stupide pour le croire. I was stupid enough to believe it.
En d'autres mots, tu es stupide. In other words, you're stupid.
Elle fut assez stupide pour le croire. She was stupid enough to believe him.
Tu es stupide de lui faire confiance. You're stupid to trust him.
Elle fut assez stupide pour sortir avec lui. She was stupid enough to go out with him.
Faire ce genre de chose vous fait paraître stupide. Doing that sort of thing makes you look stupid.
C'est stupide de ta part de le croire. It is stupid of you to believe in him.
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