Sentence examples of "tua" in French with translation "kill"

La curiosité tua le chat. Curiosity killed the cat.
L'archer tua le cerf. The archer killed the deer.
Elle le tua avec un couteau. She killed him with a knife.
Il le tua pour venger son défunt père. He killed him to avenge his dead father.
Elle le suivit à son domicile et le tua. She followed him home then killed him.
C'est comme ça qu'il tua le gros ours. This is how he killed the big bear.
Dima coucha avec 25 hommes en une seule nuit, puis les tua. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them.
Il tua le temps dans un café en regardant les filles passer. He killed time in a coffee shop watching girls pass by.
Tom tua Mary parce qu'il a découvert qu'elle était à l'origine du feu qui ravagea sa famille. Tom killed Mary because he found out she had started the fire that had killed his family.
Ma mère va me tuer. My mother’s going to kill me.
Essayez-vous de me tuer ? Are you trying to kill me?
Essaies-tu de me tuer ? Are you trying to kill me?
Mon mari va me tuer. My husband’s going to kill me.
Mon frère va me tuer. My brother’s going to kill me.
Mon père va me tuer. My father’s going to kill me.
Ma sœur va me tuer. My sister’s going to kill me.
Mes parents vont me tuer ! My parents are going to kill me!
Ne tuez pas le messager ! Don't kill the messenger.
Elle l'a prétendument tué. She allegedly killed him.
J'ai tué un dieu. I killed a god.
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