Sentence examples of "vaincues" in French with translation "defeat"

Les révolutions vaincues sont vite oubliées. Defeated revolutions are forgotten quickly.
Vous ne me vaincrez jamais ! You will never defeat me!
J'ai vaincu le guerrier. I defeated the warrior.
Les Français furent vaincus à Waterloo. The French were defeated at Waterloo.
Chaque équipe a été vaincue sans exception. Every team was defeated without exception.
Le héros vainquit finalement le méchant scientifique. The hero finally defeated the evil scientist.
La plus belle victoire est de vaincre son coeur. The most beautiful victory is to defeat one's heart.
Il a été vaincu par la tapette à mouches. He was defeated by the fly swatter.
Il fit de son mieux pour être finalement vaincu. He tried his best only to be defeated.
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