Sentence examples of "visage" in French with translation "face"

Son visage rayonna de joie. Her face beamed with joy.
Montre-moi ton vrai visage. Show me your true face.
Il me frappa au visage. He hit me in the face.
Son visage rayonnait de santé. Her face glowed with health.
Elle a un joli visage. She has a pretty face.
Son visage irradiait d'enthousiasme. His face radiated enthusiasm.
Elle a un visage rond. She has a round face.
Elle le frappa au visage. She slapped him in the face.
Il a un visage rond. He has a round face.
Son visage vira au blanc. Her face turned white.
Son visage rayonnait de bonheur. Her face was radiant with happiness.
J'ai entrevu son visage. I caught a glimpse of her face.
La sueur dégouline de son visage. Sweat is dripping from his face.
Son visage devint blême de peur. His face went white with fear.
Son visage était illuminé de bonheur. His face was enlightened by happiness.
Soins du visage et du corps Face and body care
La femme se lave le visage. The woman washes her face.
Elle a un ravissant visage rond. She has a lovely round face.
Il était étendu le visage visible. He lay face up.
Essuie ton visage avec une serviette. Dry your face with a towel.
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