Sentence examples of "visiterait" in French with translation "visit"

Translations: all287 visit284 tour2 view1
Elle a dit qu'elle visiterait Jacques avec ses sœurs. She said that she would visit Jack with her sisters.
Le pape visita le Brésil. Brazil was visited by the Pope.
Le gouverneur visita la ville. The governor visited the city.
Nous leur rendrons bientôt visite. We will visit them soon.
Ce musée vaut la visite. That museum is worth visiting.
Nous te rendrons visite demain. We will visit you tomorrow.
Viendras-tu me rendre visite ? Are you going to come visit me?
Le musée vaut une visite. The museum is worth a visit.
Pourquoi nous rendez-vous visite ? Why are you visiting us?
Je voudrais vous rendre visite. I would like to visit you.
Je lui rendrai visite demain. I'll visit him tomorrow.
Beaucoup de touristes visitent Kyoto. Kyoto is visited by many tourists.
Tu aurais dû visiter Kyoto. You should have visited Kyoto.
Aimeriez-vous visiter la ville ? Would you like to visit the city?
Avez-vous déjà visité Rome ? Have you ever visited Rome?
Mary a visité la Hongrie. Mary has visited Hungary.
As-tu déjà visité Kyoto ? Have you ever visited Kyoto?
Elle ne rendit visite à personne. She didn't visit anybody.
Quand puis-je vous rendre visite ? When can I visit you?
Il rendit visite à son ami. He paid a visit to his friend.
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