Sentence examples of "In" in German with translation "into"

Er kam in das Zimmer. He came into the room.
Schau mir in die Augen. Look into my eyes.
Sie fiel in tiefen Schlaf. She fell into a deep sleep.
Schau nicht in mein Zimmer. Don't look into my room.
Sie brachen in Tränen aus. They burst into tears.
Wir stiegen in ein Auto. We got into a car.
Setz deinen Arsch in Bewegung! Get your arse into gear!
Sie biss in den Apfel. She bit into the apple.
Tom fiel in den Pool. Tom fell into the pool.
Du wirst in Schwierigkeiten geraten. You'll get into trouble.
Sie brach in Tränen aus. She broke into tears.
Ich gehe in den Laden. I go into the store.
Bitte komme in mein Heim. Please, come into my home.
Tom muss in Form kommen. Tom needs to get into shape.
Sie sind in Tränen ausgebrochen. They burst into tears.
Sie brechen in Tränen aus. They burst into tears.
Er brach in Tränen aus. He burst into tears.
Ihr werdet in Schwierigkeiten geraten. You'll get into trouble.
Sie brachen in Gelächter aus. They broke into laughter.
Sie werden in Schwierigkeiten geraten. You'll get into trouble.
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