Sentence examples of "Sein" in German with translation "his"

Er hat sein Zimmer aufgeräumt. He put his room in order.
Er hat sein Spielzeug geworfen. He threw his toy.
Sie schlug sein Angebot aus. She refused his offer.
Er hat sein Wort gebrochen. He broke his word.
Sein Ehrgeiz kennt keine Grenzen There's no limit to his ambition
Jeder Spieler gab sein Bestes. Every player did his best.
Darauf kann er stolz sein That's a feather in his cap
Sein Egoismus regt mich auf. I'm annoyed at his selfishness.
Sein Auto ist ein Ford. His car is a Ford.
Sein Schweigen hat mich überrascht. His silence surprised me.
Sie behandelte sein gebrochenes Bein. She treated his broken leg.
Sein Name ist mir entfallen His name escaped me
Sein Erfolg steht außer Frage. His success is out of question.
Sein Verbrechen verdiente die Todesstrafe. His crime deserved the death penalty.
Sein Traum ist wahr geworden. His dream has realized.
Er fährt sein eigenes Auto. He drives his own car.
Sein endloses Gerede langweilt mich. I got bored with his long talk.
Sein Rat half überhaupt nicht. His advice didn't help at all.
Sie lehnte sein Angebot ab. She refused his offer.
Sein Vortrag ist sehr lang. His lecture is very long.
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