Sentence examples of "War" in German with translation "be"

Das war unsere erste Begegnung. That was our first encounter.
Ich war zum Mittagessen eingeladen. I was invited to lunch.
Es war ein schallender Erfolg. It was a resounding success.
Es war eine stockdunkle Nacht. It was a dark night.
Ich war damals wirklich einunddreißig. I was in fact thirty-one at the time.
Sein Anblick war ihr verhasst. The sight of him was hateful to her.
Das ganze Fleisch war schlecht. All the meat was bad.
Es war acht Meter lang. It was eight metres long.
Das Kino war voller Leute. The movie theater was filled with people.
Ich war alleine im Klassenzimmer. I was alone in the classroom.
Es war eine seltsame Angelegenheit. It was a strange affair.
Das war vor vielen Jahren. That was years ago.
Zum Glück war gutes Wetter. Fortunately, the weather was good.
Woodrow Wilson war äußerst krank. Woodrow Wilson was extremely sick.
Es war nur ein Alptraum. It was only a nightmare.
Er war vor Schreck gelähmt. He was paralyzed with terror.
Das ganze Seminar war ruhig. The whole class was quiet.
Seine Gehirntätigkeit war sehr aktiv. The functions of his brain were very active.
War sie nicht dein Herzblatt? Wasn't she your girlfriend?
Es war nirgendwo zu sehen. It was nowhere to be seen.
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