Sentence examples of "absolut" in German with translation "absolutely"

Du brauchst absolut nichts fürchten. You have absolutely nothing to fear.
Im Leben ist absolut nichts beständig. Absolutely nothing is permanent in life.
Was du sagst, ist absolut falsch. What you are saying is absolutely wrong.
Ich weiß absolut gar nichts darüber. I know absolutely nothing about that.
Du hast absolut recht bezüglich seines Charakters. You are absolutely right about his character.
Seine Technik war einzigartig und absolut unglaublich. His technique was unique and absolutely amazing.
Diese jungen Leute reden lautstark miteinander und nehmen absolut keine Rücksicht auf die um sie herum. These young people are talking loudly amongst themselves and have absolutely no regard for those around them.
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