Sentence examples of "kam" in German

Er kam in das Zimmer. He came into the room.
Betty kam über den Schock hinweg. Betty got over the shock.
Er kam aus dem Süden. He came from the south.
Sie kam spät nachts im Hotel an. She got to the hotel late at night.
Sie kam die Treppe herunter. She was coming down the stairs.
Eine Katze kam unter dem Auto hervor. A cat got out from under the car.
Ken kam an die Reihe. Ken's turn came.
Ich bin eingeschlafen, sobald ich nach Hause kam. I went to sleep as soon as I got home.
Sie kam nahe zu mir. She came near to me.
Er kam gerade rechtzeitig in der Schule an. He got to school just in time.
Der Buddhismus kam aus Indien. Buddhism came out of India.
Tom kam nicht an alles, was er brauchte. Tom couldn't get his hands on everything he needed.
Sie kam von dort heraus. She came out of there.
Mike kam um fünf aus der Bibliothek zurück. Mike got back from the library at five.
Er kam mit dem Auto. He came by car.
Sobald Jim nach Hause kam, kroch er ins Bett. As soon as Jim got home, he crawled into bed.
Der Student kam aus London. The student came from London.
Er hat den Richter bestochen und kam ungestraft davon. He bribed the judge and got off scot-free.
Er kam zurück aus Amerika. He came back from America.
Mein Vater kam gestern Abend erst spät nach Hause. My father got home late last night.
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