Sentence examples of "sahen" in German with translation "look"

Sie sahen alle glücklich aus. They all looked happy.
Sie sahen sehr glücklich aus. They looked very happy.
Wir sahen alle aus dem Fenster. We all looked out the window.
Wir sahen etwas, das aussah wie eine Oase in der Wüste. We saw what looked like an oasis in the desert.
Zuerst fiel mir das große Sofa auf. Der Lederbezug war in einem schlichten Farbton gehalten, die Sitzfläche und Rückenlehne sahen bequem aus. The first thing that came to my attention was the large sofa. It was covered in sober coloured leather, the seat and the back both looked wide and comfortable.
Sah das Auto alt aus? Did the car look old?
Sie sah immer fröhlich aus. She always looked happy.
Er sah aus dem Fenster. He looked out of the window.
Er sah sie wütend an. He looked at her angrily.
Steve sah sehr glücklich aus. Steve looked very happy.
Sie sah ihm ins Gesicht. She looked him in the face.
Steve sah sehr zufrieden aus. Steve looked very happy.
Hitomi sah sehr glücklich aus. Hitomi looked very happy.
Mary sah ziemlich mitgenommen aus. Mary looked worse for wear.
Er sah sehr glücklich aus. He looked very happy.
Er sah ziemlich müde aus. He looked quite tired.
Aber es sah bequem aus. But it looked comfortable.
Er sah sich verlegen um. He looked around uneasily.
Tom sah wie versteinert aus. Tom looked petrified.
Sie sah zum Himmel hinauf. She looked up at the sky.
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