Sentence examples of "sei" in German with translation "be"

Sei nicht so wild, Jack. Don't be so wild, Jack.
Dein Haus sei mein Haus. Your house be my house.
Sei Punkt elf am Bahnhof. Be at the station at eleven on the dot.
Erzähl' keine Lügen. Sei ehrlich. Don't tell a lie. Be honest.
Sei nett zu den anderen. Be nice to others.
Sei nicht so verdammt zurückgeblieben. Stop being so fucking retarded!
Wir dachten, er sei Amerikaner. We thought he was an American.
Sie sagte, sie sei glücklich. She said that she was happy.
Sei nett zu alten Leuten. Be kind to old people.
Sei nicht so ein Waschlappen! Don't be such a wimp!
Bitte sei nicht mehr traurig. Please don't be sad any more.
Dein Wunsch sei mir Befehl. Your wishes are my commands.
Sei leise und hör zu! Be quiet and listen!
Er sagte, er sei glücklich. He said that he was happy.
Sei nie wieder so spät. Never be this late again.
Sei f die kanonische Abbildung. Let f be the canonical map.
Mach schon, sei nicht albern. Come on, don't be silly.
Tom glaubt, Mary sei unschuldig. Tom believes that Mary is innocent.
Sei ruhig während der Stunde. Be quiet during the lesson.
Sei mal einen Augenblick still. Be quiet for a moment.
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