Sentence examples of "warst" in German with translation "be"

Oh, du warst beim Friseur. Oh, you were at the hairdresser's.
Du warst gestern daheim, oder? You were at home yesterday, weren't you?
Warst du gestern zu Hause? Were you at home yesterday?
Ach, du warst beim Friseur. Oh, you've been to the barbershop.
Warst du jünger als Ellen? Were you younger than Ellen?
Warst du jemals im Ausland? Have you ever been to a foreign country?
Warst du gestern Abend müde? Were you tired last night?
Wo zum Teufel warst du? Where on earth were you?
Warst du jemals in Paris? Have you ever been to Paris?
Wie lange warst du beschäftigt? How long have you been busy?
Warst du schon mal im Ausland? Have you been abroad?
Warst du schon mal in Frankreich? Have you ever been to France?
Du warst so viele Jahre fort. You have been missing all these years.
Warst du zurzeit in der Schule? Were you at school at that time?
Warst du schon einmal in Kobe? Have you ever been to Kobe?
Warst das du in dem Auto? Was that you in the car?
Warst du schon mal in London? Have you been to London before?
Du warst für den Unfall verantwortlich. It was you that was responsible for the accident.
Du warst noch nicht einmal da. You weren't even there.
Warst du gestern Abend zu Hause? Were you home last night?
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