Sentence examples of "dove" in Italian with translation "have to"

Deve pagare per il libro. She has to pay for the book.
Lei deve memorizzare questa frase. You have to memorize this sentence.
Il peggio deve ancora venire. We have to expect the worst.
Lei deve memorizzare questa sentenza. You have to memorize this sentence.
Questa frase deve essere cancellata. This sentence has to be deleted.
Tom deve cominciare una dieta. Tom has to go on a diet.
Tom deve prendere questa chiamata. Tom has to take this call.
Non si lamenti. Deve andare. Don't complain. You have to go.
Tom deve tornare a lavorare. Tom has to get back to work.
Tom deve confessare il delitto. Tom has to confess his crime.
La posta deve essere raccolta. The post has to be collected.
Tom deve pagare per tutto. Tom has to pay for everything.
Si deve alzare presto domani. He will have to get up early tomorrow.
Tom deve compilare questi moduli. Tom has to fill out these forms.
Questa sentenza deve essere cancellata. This sentence has to be deleted.
Tom deve proteggere sé stesso. Tom has to protect himself.
Tom deve tornare al lavoro. Tom has to get back to work.
Non devi pagare in contanti. You don't have to pay in cash.
Primo, devi smettere di fumare. First, you have to stop smoking.
Non devi essere sempre perfetto. You don't have to be perfect all the time.
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