Sentence examples of "fossimo" in Italian with translation "be"

Translations: all10563 be10563
Non è come se fossimo ricchi. It isn't as if we were rich.
Non è come se noi fossimo ricchi. It isn't as if we were rich.
Sono le dieci e venti. It is twenty minutes past ten.
E' possibile vedere stanotte Venere? Is it possible to see Venus tonight?
Tutto era migliore in passato. Everything was better in the past.
Il cielo era completamente buio. The sky was completely dark.
Quell'hamburger era davvero delizioso. That hamburger really was delicious.
La porta non era chiusa. The door was not closed.
Mio nonno era un contadino. My grandfather was a farmer.
Ieri era il mio compleanno. Yesterday was my birthday.
La partita era molto interessante. The game was very interesting.
La settimana scorsa era malato. He was sick last week.
Era orgoglioso di sua figlia. He was proud of his daughter.
Lui era un grande musicista. He was a great musician.
Tom era un cattivo studente. Tom was a bad student.
Era tutt'altro che robusto. He was far from robust.
Il recupero era quasi impossibile. Recovery was almost impossible.
Era un giocatore di rugby. He was a rugby player.
Lui era ricoperto di sudore. He was covered with sweat.
Lei era in ritardo, vero? You were late, weren't you?
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