Sentence examples of "infuso di lacrime" in Italian

I suoi occhi erano pieni di lacrime. His eyes were full of tears.
Era seduta là in silenzio con le lacrime agli occhi. She sat there silently with tears in her eyes.
Le lacrime scorsero sulla mia faccia. Tears ran down my face.
Il rapporto tra la Chiesa cattolica e gli ebrei non è sempre stato, nella storia, felice o facile. Troppo spesso è stato scritto in mezzo alle lacrime. The history of the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Jews was not always a happy or an easy one. Too often it was written in tears.
Ha provato a non versare lacrime. She tried not to shed tears.
La storia la commosse fino alle lacrime. She was moved to tears by the story.
Queste sono le ultime lacrime. These are the last tears.
Due lacrime sono scese dalle sue guance. Two tears fell down her cheeks.
Appena mi vide, scoppiò in lacrime. The moment she saw me, she burst into tears.
Ho visto lacrime nei suoi occhi. I saw tears in her eyes.
È scoppiata in lacrime. She broke into tears.
La storia mi ha commosso fino alle lacrime. I was moved to tears by the story.
Lei ha provato a non versare lacrime. She tried not to shed tears.
Lei ha risposto in lacrime. She answered in tears.
Scoppiò in lacrime alla notizia. She broke into tears at the news.
Mi sono venute le lacrime agli occhi quando stavo tagliando le cipolle. Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.
La signora White scoppiò in lacrime quando le dissi la novità. Mrs. White broke into tears when I told her the news.
Sono scoppiata in lacrime. I burst into tears.
È scoppiata in lacrime alla notizia. She broke into tears at the news.
Vidi lacrime nei suoi occhi. I saw tears in her eyes.
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