Sentence examples of "mattine" in Italian

Translations: all132 morning132
Potresti svegliarmi tutte le mattine? Would you wake me up every morning?
Vorrei passare tutte le mattine così! I would like to spend the whole morning like this.
Legge il giornale tutte le mattine. She reads the newspaper every morning.
Tutte le mattine va a fare una passeggiata. Every morning he leaves to take a walk.
Mia sorella fa la doccia tutte le mattine. My sister takes a shower every morning.
Mamma si sveglia per prima tutte le mattine. Mother gets up earliest every morning.
Tom si alza alle sei tutte le mattine. Tom gets up at six every morning.
Mia sorella si lava i capelli tutte le mattine. My sister washes her hair every morning.
Si sveglia presto tutte le mattine perché deve cucinare. Every morning she gets up early because she has to cook.
Mia madre si alza tutte le mattine alle sei. My mother gets up at six every morning.
Tom suonava la sveglia con la sua tromba tutte le mattine. Tom played Reveille on his bugle every morning.
Dò da mangiare al mio gatto tutte le mattine e tutte le sere. I feed my cat every morning and every evening.
Io mangio sauerkraut ogni mattina. I eat sauerkraut every morning.
Dovrai alzarti presto domani mattina. You will have to get up early tomorrow morning.
Noi partiamo presto domani mattina. We are leaving early tomorrow morning.
Attraversa i binari ogni mattina. He crosses the railroad tracks every morning.
Cos'avete fatto questa mattina? What did you do this morning?
Che hai fatto questa mattina? What did you do this morning?
Cos'hai fatto questa mattina? What did you do this morning?
Sta nevicando da questa mattina. It has been snowing since this morning.
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