Sentence examples of "nonni" in Italian

I nostri nonni sarebbero venuti a trovarci nei fine settimana. Our grandparents would come to see us on the weekends.
I bambini stavano dormendo quando gli hanno chiamati i sui nonni. The children were sleeping when their grandparents called them.
Mio nonno era un contadino. My grandfather was a farmer.
Mio nonno era un avido collezionista di francobolli. My grandpa was an avid collector of stamps.
Mio nonno è di Osaka. My grandfather comes from Osaka.
Il nonno non è contento di avere novantasei anni. Grandpa is not glad to be ninety-six.
Venne chiamato come suo nonno. He was named after his grandfather.
Ha paura di suo nonno. He is afraid of his grandfather.
Mio nonno si alza presto. My grandfather gets up early.
Quanti anni ha tuo nonno? How old is your grandfather?
Mio nonno viene da Osaka. My grandfather comes from Osaka.
Lui venne chiamato come suo nonno. He was named after his grandfather.
Andremo da mio nonno questa settimana. We will visit my grandfather this week.
Il nonno annuì verso di me. Grandfather nodded toward me.
Chiamammo mio figlio come mio nonno. We named my son after my grandfather.
È stato chiamato come suo nonno. He was named after his grandfather.
Mio nonno è molto in salute. My grandfather is very healthy.
Mio nonno era in parte indiano. My grandfather was part Indian.
Mio nonno annuì e mi sorrise. My grandfather nodded and smiled at me.
Lui è stato chiamato come suo nonno. He was named after his grandfather.
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