Sentence examples of "sera" in Italian with translation "night"

Ci siamo divertiti quella sera! We had fun that night!
Sono le otto di sera. It's eight o'clock at night.
Mi piace camminare di sera. I like walking at night.
Ci siamo divertiti ieri sera. We had a good time last night.
Lui le telefona ogni sera. He calls her up every night.
Eravate voi in TV ieri sera? Was that you on TV last night?
Vorresti andare al cinema domani sera? Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night?
Mangia spesso fuori al sabato sera. He often eats out on Saturday nights.
Era lei in TV ieri sera? Was that you on TV last night?
Tom non ha cenato ieri sera. Tom didn't have dinner last night.
Siamo andati al cinema ieri sera. We went to the movies last night.
Ha lavorato da mattina a sera. He worked from morning till night.
Ho visto l'incontro ieri sera. I saw the match last night.
Vorreste andare al cinema domani sera? Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night?
Vado a letto presto la sera. I go to bed early at night.
Siamo andate al cinema ieri sera. We went to the movies last night.
Ieri sera Ken ha studiato inglese. Ken studied English last night.
Ci ha cucinato piatti cinesi ieri sera. She cooked us Chinese dishes last night.
Abbiamo fatto una festa la scorsa sera. We had a party last night.
Ha badato ai miei bambini ieri sera. She looked after my children last night.
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