Sentence examples of "As" in Portuguese with translation "the"

As garotas estão muito ocupadas. The girls are as busy as bees.
As luzes não estão acesas. The lights aren't on.
Cupins estão destruindo as casas. Termites are destroying the houses.
Alguns jornais distorceram as notícias. Some newspapers distorted the news.
Encha as jarras com água. Fill the jars with water.
As vacas estão na fazenda. The cows are on the farm.
As lâmpadas não estão ligadas. The lights aren't on.
As enfermeiras são muito simpáticas. The nurses are very nice.
Ele explicou as regras detalhadamente. He explained the rules in detail.
As estrelas brilhavam no céu. The stars shone in the sky.
Você já ouviu as notícias? Have you heard the news yet?
Por que compraste as flores? Why did you buy the flowers?
As flores estão se abrindo. The flowers are opening.
O gato arqueou as costas. The cat arched its back.
Todas as maçãs estão ali. All the apples are there.
Deve-se cumprir as regras. One must observe the rules.
As férias de verão acabaram. The summer vacation is over.
As folhas caem no outono. Leaves fall in the autumn.
Quantos anos têm as crianças? How old are the children?
Acabei de regar as flores. I've finished watering the flowers.
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