Sentence examples of "Fiquei" in Portuguese

Fiquei feliz em vê-lo. I was happy to see him.
Eu fiquei com meu tio. I stayed with my uncle.
Fiquei com a pior parte. I kept the worst part.
Fiquei cada vez menos interessado em matemática. I became less and less interested in mathematics.
Sem saber o que fazer, eu fiquei lá calado. Not knowing what to do, I stood there silently.
Fiquei perplexo com as notícias. I was taken aback by the news.
Fiquei em casa porque estava doente. I stayed at home because I was sick.
Fiquei quieto e não disse nada. I kept still and said nothing.
Eu tomei vinho demais e fiquei tonto. I drank too much wine, and became dizzy.
Fiquei perplexo com seu raciocínio. I was completely taken aback by her reasoning.
Fiquei em casa porque estava chovendo. I stayed home because it was raining.
Eu fiquei muito nervoso quando não consegui achar o meu passaporte. I became very nervous when I couldn't locate my passport.
Fiquei decepcionado pela sua ausência. I was disappointed at your absence.
Fiquei em casa o dia todo. I stayed home all day.
Fiquei surpreso com a sua grosseria. I was taken aback by his rudeness.
Fiquei acordado até tarde ontem à noite. He stayed up late last night.
Fiquei horrorizado com o que vi. I was horrified by what I saw.
Aquela é a casa que eu fiquei. That’s the house I stayed in.
Não fiquei nem um pouco cansado. I was not a bit tired.
Ontem estava tanto frio que fiquei em casa. It was so cold yesterday that I stayed home.
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