Sentence examples of "Tinha" in Portuguese with translation "have"

Ele tinha acabado de chegar. He had just arrived.
Ele tinha um sonho estranho. He had a strange dream.
Tom tinha dinheiro, e muito. Tom had money, a lot of it.
Esse livro tinha muitas páginas. That book had a lot of pages.
Ela tinha um álibi perfeito. She had a perfect alibi.
Ela não tinha muita grana. She didn't have much money.
Pensei que ele tinha morrido. I thought he had died.
O remédio tinha efeito imediato. The medicine had an immediate effect.
Ela não tinha muito dinheiro. She didn't have much money.
O artigo tinha três colunas. The article had three columns.
Ele tinha um álibi forte. He had a strong alibi.
Ele tinha um exame oral. He had an oral exam.
Ele tinha muito dinheiro no banco. He had a lot of money in the bank.
Não sabia que você tinha namorada. I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
Não sabia que você tinha namorado. I didn't know you had a boyfriend.
Ele disse que tinha descendência esquimó. He said that he had Eskimo ancestry.
Se eu soubesse, não tinha vindo. If I had known, I would not have come.
Você tinha que entrar no projeto. You had to join that project.
Ela tinha pelo menos quatro defeitos. She had at least four faults.
Eu tinha que ir lá ontem. I had to go there yesterday.
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