Sentence examples of "bons" in Portuguese with translation "good"

Os bolos deles são bons. Their cakes are good.
De boa árvore, bons frutos Good fruit of a good tree
Os bolos delas são bons. Their cakes are good.
Boa noite e bons sonhos. Good night and sweet dreams.
Tom e Frank são bons amigos. Tom and Frank are good friends.
Tom e João são bons amigos. Tom and John are good friends.
Flores bonitas não dão bons frutos. Nice flowers don't yield good fruits.
Eles têm sido bons vizinhos até hoje. They have been good neighbors to this day.
Ofende os bons quem poupa os maus Who pardons the bad, injures the good
O vinho e a cerveja estão bons. The wine and beer are good.
Jack e Bill eram muito bons amigos. Jack and Bill were very good friends.
Estes bolos estão bons. Por favor, experimente um. These cakes are good. Please try one.
O pão e o leite são bons alimentos. Bread and milk are good foods.
A proposta tem pontos tanto bons quanto ruins. The proposal has its good points as well as its bad ones.
Ele vai te dar uns bons conselhos sobre esse assunto. He will give you some good advice on this matter.
O fogo e a água são maus amos e bons criados Fire and water are good servants, but bad masters
Podem-se ensinar bons modos às crianças sem recorrer à punição. You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment.
Existe algum truque, ou bons sites, para baixar softwares em japonês? Are there any knacks, or good sites, for downloading Japanese software?
Todos os livros são bons, mas nenhum é tão bom quanto este aqui. All of the books are good, but none as good as this one.
Bons médicos explicam as coisas a seus pacientes de maneiras fáceis de compreender, usando modelos anatômicos e coisas assim. Good doctors explain things to patients in easily understandable ways, using anatomical models and such.
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