Sentence examples of "cobertos" in Portuguese with translation "cover oneself"

Translations: all57 cover22 cover oneself18 covered17
Todos os móveis estavam cobertos de pó. All the furniture was covered with dust.
Encontrei-o coberto de sangue. I found him covered in blood.
Ele estava coberto de suor. He was covered with sweat.
A montanha estava coberta de neve. The mountain was covered with snow.
A montanha está coberta de neve. The mountain is covered with snow.
A cidade estava coberta de neve. The city was covered in snow.
O céu está coberto de nuvens. The sky is covered with clouds.
O chão esta coberto de neve. The ground is covered with snow.
É um floco coberto de chocolate! It's a flake covered in chocolate!
O pássaro era coberto de penas brancas. The bird was covered with white feathers.
Ele estava todo coberto com tinta branca. He was covered all over with white paint.
O corpo inteiro é densamente coberto de pelos. The entire body is densely covered with hair.
A parte superior da montanha está coberta de neve. The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow.
O meu carro está coberto de cocô de pomba. My car is covered with pigeon poop.
O topo da montanha está sempre coberto por neve. The top of the mountain is always covered with snow.
A escada-de-mão estava coberta de pó e ferrugem. The ladder was covered with dust and rust.
O carro saiu da estrada porque a pista estava coberta de neve. The car went off the road due to snowfall covering the lane.
Yuriko, uma estudante de pós-graduação em biologia marinha, adormeceu em um aquário e acordou coberta de polvos e estrelas marinhas. Yuriko, a marine biology grad student, fell asleep inside a fish tank and awoke covered in octopuses and starfish.
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